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Complete Guide to Buying the Best Handball

In the world of handball, it is essential to have good equipment to optimize your performance. Whether you are a professional, amateur or beginner, choosing the right handball can make all the difference in your matches and training. This guide has been designed to help you select the handball that best suits your needs and preferences.

The essential criteria for choosing the right handball

There are several elements to take into account when purchasing a handball. Here are the main criteria:

  1. The size of the balloon: There are different sizes of handballs, adapted to the age categories and gender of the players. Size 0 is for children 3 to 6 years old, size 1 for girls 8 to 14 years old and boys 8 to 12 years old, size 2 for women and adolescents 12 to 16 years old, and finally size 3 for men and young adults over 16 years old.
  2. The weight : The weight of the handball must comply with international standards and varies depending on the size of the ball. For example, a size 3 ball should weigh between 425 and 475 grams, while a size 1 ball should not exceed 290 grams.
  3. The material : Handballs are usually made of rubber, synthetic or leather. Each material offers advantages and disadvantages in terms of grip, resistance and comfort. The choice of material will therefore depend on your preferences and your level of play.
  4. Manufacturing quality: A good quality handball will allow you to enjoy a better playing experience and greater durability. It is recommended to favor brands recognized in the world of handball to be sure to benefit from a reliable and efficient product.

Types of handballs suitable for each practice

There are different types of handballs, adapted to each level and style of play. Here is a presentation of the main models:

  • Training balls: These balls are designed for regular handball practice, whether in a club, school or individual training. They offer a good compromise between resistance, grip and comfort, and are available in all sizes.
  • Competition balls: Intended for experienced players and official competitions, these balls offer superior manufacturing quality as well as excellent grip and rebound. They are often approved by international sporting bodies.
  • Beach handballs: Designed for playing handball on sand, these balls are specifically adapted to outdoor conditions and offer good resistance to wear and bad weather. They are generally lighter and more flexible than traditional balloons, to facilitate quick grips and manipulations.
  • Educational balloons: Ideal for introducing young children to handball, these balls are designed to be easy to handle and safe. They are often made of flexible and lightweight materials, in order to minimize the risk of injury when learning.

The different materials used in the manufacture of handballs

The choice of material is decisive in the comfort and performance of a handball. Here are the main materials used:

  • The rubber : Rubber balloons are generally cheaper and very durable. They offer good grip and are perfect for regular training or beginners. On the other hand, they may be less comfortable and precise than other types of balls.
  • The synthetic: Synthetic balls offer an excellent compromise between grip, comfort and durability. They are ideal for intermediate or advanced players, as well as competitions and intensive training.
  • The leather : Renowned for their excellent quality and unique feel, leather balls are particularly appreciated by professional and experienced players. They offer very good grip and rebound, but can be more expensive and less resistant to wear than other materials.

Essential accessories for playing handball

To complete your handball equipment, here are some useful and practical accessories:

  • Balloon pump: Essential for maintaining the ideal pressure of your ball, a manual or electric pump will allow you to quickly and efficiently inflate your handballs.
  • Transport bag : A bag suitable for transporting your handballs will facilitate their storage and transport when traveling to clubs, schools or communities.
  • Leak repairer: In the event of a puncture or leak on your balloon, a leak repairer will allow you to quickly and easily seal small holes and extend the life of your equipment.

By following these tips and taking into account essential criteria such as size, weight, material and manufacturing quality, you will be able to choose the handball that will perfectly meet your needs and requirements. Do not hesitate to try different models and brands in order to appreciate the sensations and performances offered by each ball.

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