Becoming a handball coach: complete guide to achieving success

How to become a professional handball coach?

Obtaining a top-level football coaching qualification is easy with a general license and previous experience in the sport.

Where to train at Bpjeps?

The BPJEPS can be prepared in a training center approved by the DRJSCS. There are different options to prepare for this exam, such as school, an internship, or continuing education.

How to make a Dejeps?

The training will be taught using an approach based on alternative logic. The minimum duration of initial training is 1,200 hours, with at least 700 hours provided in a training center. Before starting the training, there will be a preliminary phase to define a personalized training course. Here are the key points to remember:

– Approach based on alternative logic
– Minimum duration of initial training: 1,200 hours
– At least 700 hours in a training center
– Preliminary phase to define a personalized training course.

Who is the coach of the French handball team?


– The French Football Federation.
– She is responsible for the management and development of football in France.


– Guillaume Gilles is a renowned trainer in the sports field.
– He has extensive experience in training and managing football teams.


– In 1992, he was nicknamed “Bronzés”.
– From 1993 to 1996, he was called the “Barjots”.
– In 2001, it was known as the “Strong”.
– From 2008 to 2017, he was designated “Experts”.


– Michaël Guigou is a talented and experienced skipper.
– He is recognized for his navigation skills.

Best score

– Jérôme Fernandez holds the record for the highest score with 1,463 goals.

Who is the captain of the 2017 French handball team?

We are fans of Didier Dinart and Guillaume Gilles, who are talented skippers. Thierry Omeyer is also a leading player in this field. The championship result was very impressive this year. The top scorers were Kentin Mahé and Nedim Remili, who scored 37 goals each. This is a record in the history of this championship.

What place did the French men’s handball team occupy at the Worlds in 2019*?

Here is a summary of the current positions in the team rankings:

– France (T): 9 points
– Germany (M): 8 points
– Brazil: 6 points
– Russia: 4 points.

France occupies first place with 9 points, closely followed by Germany which has accumulated 8 points. Brazil finds itself in third place with 6 points, while Russia is in fourth place with 4 points.

What nickname was given to the French handball team which won the gold medal at the London Olympic Games in 2012?

The player is nicknamed “Barjots” because of his unpredictable behavior, both on the field and in daily life. They are capable of beating competent teams and achieving victories against major countries in the field of handball.

Who are the coaches of the French men’s handball team?

The coach of the French men’s handball team, Guillaume Gille, announced the list of 20 players who will participate in the Olympic Qualification Tournament (OQT) in Montpellier from March 12 to 14.

Who are the players of the French handball team?

There are several talented players in the Paris Saint-Germain handball team. They include Nikola Karabatic, Guillaume Accambray, Luc Abalo, Mikkel Hansen, Luka Karabatic, Cédric Sorhaindo, Michaël Guigou and Valentin Porte. These players are key players in the team’s performance and contribute to its success on the field. They demonstrate their technical skill, agility and vision of the game in every match. Their presence in the team strengthens the collective strength and allows Paris Saint-Germain to compete at the highest level. The combination of their individual talents creates a formidable team that is ready to take on any challenge that comes their way. As fans, we have the chance to witness their exceptional performances and see their passion for handball shine on the pitch.

What do you call a handball player?

A handball team usually has a goalkeeper and six outfield players. These players are generally divided into two wingers (right and left), two full-backs (right and left), a half-back (or full-back) and a pivot.

When does the French men’s handball team play?

The French men’s U17 team is heading to the Ruhr Games in Bochum from June 4 to 6, 2021. Unfortunately, Brest Bretagne Handball were beaten in the Champions League final by Norwegian club Vipers Kristiansand. The match ended with a 34-28 (18-14) defeat this Sunday, May 30, 2021 in Budapest.

What studies to become a coach?

To become a sports coach, it is necessary to have a baccalaureate, a background as a high-level athlete and to hold a diploma issued by the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The DEJPS (State Diploma in Youth, Popular Education and Sports) is an example of a bac 2 level diploma specific to the specialty of sports development.

How to become a football coach in a training center?

The training stages in the field of football are as follows:

1. Football Instructor Certificate (BMF): This first step is to obtain the BMF, which is a football instructor certificate. It provides the basic knowledge necessary to teach and supervise players.

2. Football Coaching Certificate (BEF): After obtaining the BMF, the next step is to obtain the BEF, which is a football coaching certificate. This in-depth training helps develop advanced technical and tactical skills.

3. Higher State diploma called football (DESJEPS): Once the BEF has been validated, it is possible to access the DESJEPS, which is a higher State diploma in football. This stage allows you to deepen knowledge and skills in different areas of football, such as team management and physical preparation.

4. Football Coaching Diploma (BEFF): The BEFF is a further step for those who wish to further specialize as football coaches. In particular, it allows training in specific aspects of the profession.

4a. Professional Football Coaching Certificate (BEPF): Alongside the BEFF, there is also the possibility of obtaining the BEPF, which is a specific certificate for professional football coaches. This certification is intended for those who wish to work within professional clubs.

These different stages of training offer football enthusiasts the opportunity to acquire the skills necessary to work as instructors or coaches, whether in an amateur or professional setting.

How to become a football coach?

The 850-hour training gives you the opportunity to work with national clubs (division 3). After completing this training, you will be able to take the exam to obtain the Professional Football Coaching Diploma (DEPF) which requires 630 hours of training.

What studies to become a physical trainer?

There are different training courses that allow access to this profession. Among them, we can cite the STAPS master’s degree in sports training, which constitutes an excellent opportunity to launch into this profession. In addition, it is also possible to obtain a university diploma in physical preparation or a state sports instructor certificate (BEES). These training courses all offer interesting prospects for entering the field.

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